Top 5 Tips To Make Secure blogger
While blogging did you notice on your
blog security system specialy on Blogger blog.There are many option for
wordpress blog but for blogger I decided to post a security article
for blogger.We all know about google blogger and have a great belief on Blogger
due to google blog service but In security it has no more security option like
plugin,script etc.But we can make secure
our blogger through some tips which will absolutily help to all
bloggers.So let start with blogger possible reasons to be hack.blogger login
Through Gmail service which is a weak point.Also Blogger does not use any
plugin to make you secure and there is no professional method to do it.
1.Use Malware remover or Best Antivirus
While posting or editing on blogger dashboard Keep eyes on malware or any
vulnerable threats.For this you have to use Best Antivirus or any Malware
Detector You may be penelized any time by Any online threats in Real time.I
recommended you don't use blogger or any other internet service without
2.Make a Professional Password
If you have a non-numerical password then please remove it now and Choose
Best Password for blogger including All category characters like
numerical,numbers,special symbol.Take two minute to Give a Strong password
otherwise Hacker or any online threat can Hurt your blog.
3.Secret and Change Password regularly
If you have some type of doubt that may be happen with your password then
The best method you have to change password regularly And Always keep your
password secure i.e Don't tell anyone or mention online through any offer.
4.Can't Do Ask to Professional
If you can't do it and not able to understand the security system.I know it
will charge but want a professional security system then you have to do it.
5.Keep your blogger up to date
For more security it is the best and free i.e Always keep up to date your
blogger by posting at a alternate of time.Choose a Frequencey for Posting By it you have Additional
benefits including Security.
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